Cherie Priest
In this week’s reading, Boneshaker, by Cherie Priest, provides an augmented reality throughout the lens of steampunk. Based in the Civil War era, this novel incorporates flying ships, in a post apocalyptic society, and provides steampunk as a reaction to the apocalypse. The author narrates the story through two perspectives— that of a child, and that of his mother. Zeke, a 15 year old boy born into unfortunate circumstance crawls onto the other side of “the wall” which is a large edifice designed to keep toxic gas out in hopes of proving his dead father innocent. His mother follows in pursuit in an attempt to retrieve her wayward son. Both embark on a journey neither have ever dreamed of. With the use of metal gadgets and face masks, this novel screams steampunk and adventure. Everything is underground in tunnels which provide an otherworldly quality, for the walking dead lurk above the surface.
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