In the short story, Bloodchild, by Octavia E. Butler, there lives two races upon a planet. The Terran (I believe this is a reference to earth, as this race appears human) and then, there is the Tlic, an otherworldly species with are born as parasitic worms. The Tlic use the Terran as hosts in which they implant their eggs, when this is done, the Terran is then called a N’Tlic. The Terran are kept on a preserve, almost like wildlife, to be sold and used as hosts for eggs. As the Tlic are the majority population, they rule over the Terran, and decide their fate. One child from each Terran family is raised with a Tlic, so they may be groomed an implanted with eggs as a bloody host. This story very much reflects the values and perspectives of majoritarian culture. The needs of the few, are outweighed by the many. In many aspects, the Terran are desired, and almost revered, but also seen as a means to an end.
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