by Neal StephensonIn this week's reading, Anathem, by Neal Stephenson places the reader in a world devoid of creative arts. Rather, Science and Mathematics rule the world Abre, which while not Earth, is modeled similarly after our planet. The Mathematicians or "about" of the mathic world are separated from the secular world (those of the common people). This book implicates how desperately we still need creative individuals. While math is a driving force, it is still very artistic, and beauty is not devoid of calculations. One may notice in this story, is the absence of affection and love. The avout’s food prevents them from procreating and they take in promising children from the Sæcular world to maintain their population. Main character Raz was one of these children when he was selected the mathic world, and although he is almost an adult in the beginning of the novel, he is still a “fid,” or a student.
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